People Who Don’t Fit In A Box.

“I like messy people; people who don’t fit in a box or stay between the lines, but whose integrity is greater than any rule book and whose loyalty is stronger than blood.”- Jim Wern

One major growth I have recognized in myself this past year is the constant craving I have for spontaneity in all aspects of life. I have made new friends who I would very much consider spontaneous people. I have booked trips to visit friends with half of the amount of time that I would usually spend contemplating spending my hard-earned savings. I am more open to trying to new things, and constantly researching new adventures that I can add to my quickly growing bucket list.

This is such a big and important change for me. I have always been so worried about being in control and being perfect that I never allowed myself the opportunity to let go. This new spontaneity in my life has allowed me to find pleasure in things that I would have never been introduced to before. I discovered that I actually liked going to the rock climbing gym, that my “crazy friends” will be undeniably “crazy” even to just protect me in any situation, and that a comfort zone is just an excuse I made for myself because I was scared of failure.

I dare anyone reading this to do something completely spontaneous, no matter how large or small the situation is. If you wouldn’t usually say hello to that cute guy/girl at the bar, do it. If you have always wanted to do a half marathon but you’ve been scared of the training, do it. If you have been wanting to go visit your out of town friends for a long time but you’ll have to live off Ramen Noodles for a month to afford it, do it.

These spontaneous memories are the ones that we will look back on someday. Make sure you have enough memories to reflect on for a lifetime.


2 thoughts on “People Who Don’t Fit In A Box.

  1. I read this in February and I read it again today. Seriously the best post ever. Spontaneity is the best and yes, go do that thing you’ve wanted to, because… you’ll regret not doing it more than you’ll regret doing it. 🙂 Thank you Brilliantly Average!

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