“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.”-John Burroughs
I’m currently on a vacation to Arizona and California to visit friends, and I was lucky enough to witness this sunset in person. Unfortunately, the picture gives no justice to how truly beautiful the sky was from the top of the mountain, the way the city lights glowed from below, or the amount of times the view took my breath away.

As I really looked out at the view for the first time, I had a real moment of clarity. I get so lost and stressed about trivial things, and this view/perspective was a huge moment to realize how small we really are. In the grand scheme of life, we are the one out of the thousand of tiny lights shown. But when those tiny lights come together, they were big sections of bright, beautiful light. In life we may be such a small piece to the puzzle, yet we are a vital piece when we are together.

Moral: You are not alone, even if you feel alone. Your existence and mark on this world make up a big bright light that would much more fun without you. And if you ever feel lost or unworthy, find perspective. 


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