Alive Is A Grand Thing.

I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow; but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.”-Agatha Christie

To continuously grow as humans, I believe we need constant reality checks. At this point in my life, I have spent the majority of my time focusing on the small things. Things such as my job, grades, and friendships do hold some importance. However, I can’t control every situation that life throws at me. Because of this constant need for control, I have seemed to unconsciously lose sight of the bigger picture over time.

I have never agreed with anyone that tries to dim down another individual’s problems by saying things such as, “____ has it so much worse than you or think about ____ and realize your issues have no merit.” We were born with the ability to feel emotions for a reason. What might be a “5/10” on the pain scale for me could be considered a “10/10” for another individual. Because we are not able to interpret the exact emotional functioning of another human, we have no right to judge another individual’s emotions, and we have no right to try to mask an emotion that we feel.

Being alive is beautiful. Having the ability to feel emotions is beautiful. Reminding yourself that the struggles will lead to an overall better bigger life picture is beautiful. Re-reminding yourself of your overall big picture is beautiful. Even struggle itself is beautiful because without it we would not know how wonderful success feels.


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