
Always remember to keep it real with yourself. Even when it’s hard to keep it real with the world, keep it real with yourself.-Nicki Minaj

As cliché as they may be, I have always liked the idea behind New Years Resolutions. The reason being that we are usually bluntly honest about our life goals or dreams without any reservation. People tend to be more upfront about their desires because they can mask their vulnerability by saying that it is just a resolution. But in that moment, they declare exactly what they wish would happen. Therefore, you can get to know a little more about someone’s intimate thoughts and desires.

This is why I don’t get why people are negative about others New Years Resolutions. An individual at my work yesterday made a comment saying, “Ugh, I hate going to the gym after the holidays because all of the New Years Eve Resolution people just take up space.” Another individual made a comment stating, “New Years Eve Resolutions are pathetic attempts for people to fail at goals.” These are completely negative way to look at a New Years Resolution.

I wanted to remind them that sometimes just admitting your thoughts or goals to yourself or another is a huge step. Sometimes, just figuring out a goal or thought in itself is a resolution and shouldn’t be discredited. Sometimes, it may take many years of resolutions for an individual to accomplish their goal. Either way, I applaud anyone who has a New Years Resolution, no matter how big, small, accomplished, or failed, simply for recognizing a way they can grow as a human being.

The New Year signifies a new start or beginning if we chose to let it happen. I’m making many life changes in 2015. I will strive to be a better human being to anyone and everyone. To have more patience with myself and others. To have an acceptance within myself that I have never been able to find. And finally, to be more spontaneous and not always have to view everything with perfectionist eyes.


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