Holding A Grudge.

Holding a grudge and harboring anger/resentment is poison to the soul. Get even with people, but not those who have hurt us. Forget them, instead get even with those who have helped us.”- Steve Maraboli

If there was a world record for holding a grudge, I think I could be in the running to win the title. When I get hurt, I completely shut down and block off anything/anyone who has hurt me. I don’t talk about it, and I try not to even think about it. It is my defense mechanism, but it is a lousy one.

It has taken me a long time to realize that the only person hurting in the grudge holding is me. In most cases, the person you are holding the grudge against has had some kind of conflict with you or flat out just doesn’t like you. If that is the case, they could probably care less what you think about them. Just like you don’t really care about their issues with you.

Holding grudges is a dark, toxic thing. It can change a positive person’s outlook into a negative perspective in seconds. It can make the heart dark and full of anger. Without trying to sound dramatic, it can literally change a person for the worst.

With this realization, I have made a vow to try to let my grudges go. I’m not perfect, and dropping a long-term grudge will not happen overnight. However, letting go of a grudge does not mean you have to become friends with this person. It just simply means that they do not have the immense amount of control on you that they had before. You don’t have to talk to this person or even look at them whenever you see them. But letting go of this grudge will make peace within yourself, and you deserve it.


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