Once The Storm Is Over.

“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.”- Haruki Murakami

For every difficult situation in my life, I never really grasped the magnitude of the situation until it was over. Whether it was extreme stress, death, personal tragedy, or even heartbreak, I knew that the situation was not ideal. I felt pain, guilt, or emptiness, but it isn’t until weeks or months later that I really grasped the situation and the outcomes they had made on me.

When I think about these hard situations, I agree with the quote above. I don’t really remember the day-to-day details. I remember certain “significant” moments, such as the moment I started to feel an emotion instead of emptiness, or the moment that I really cried about the situation for the first time. But I don’t remember the little details that in the end helped me “out of the storm”.

I have said before, life is about human growth. But what happens when a situation makes you take two steps back in your growth process? Certain events in life we try to rationalize, and it is certainly a normal thing to become bitter when we can’t justify the event. The quote above says that we never leave the storm the same as we entered it, and I completely agree. It can take years of work to change a negative situation/thought, and one single event to undo everything you have ever worked for.

We never leave a situation the same as we entered it. I guess all we can do as humans is to try to leave the situation with the most positive perspective we can possible find.


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