“How Lucky We Are To Be Part Of Something So Big.”

Featured“How Lucky We Are To Be Part Of Something So Big.”

“Oh life, thank you for your beauty. Thank you for reminding me how lucky we are to be part of something so big.”

I cried standing in front of the elephant exhibit at the zoo today.

The first thing you must know is that I’m obsessed with elephants. I have been since I was a little girl, and my love for this animal grows as I age. But today, I was standing in front of these incredibly majestic animals watching this momma elephant with her baby and I was overwhelmed with this feeling of gratitude. I kept thinking how blessed I was to be standing there witnessing an animal close up that I truly love with friends who am I grateful for.

These last two years have been hard, and I am not going to pretend they haven’t been. I have been knocked down to be kicked again before I could even stand back up. There are times when I have immediately stood back up to keep fighting, and there are times that I have stayed down for longer than I should have before convincing myself to start clawing my way back up again.

But I got up. And today, I was thankful for these hard times and experiences because I don’t think I would have had the reaction I did in front of that elephant exhibit. These hard times have taught me that it is completely valid to be thankful for the small things in life, like seeing your favorite animal at the zoo or hanging out with friends who make you laugh. Life is too short to take anything for granted, and maybe these small blessings are the ticket to an overall incredible life.

Moral: If you really open your eyes, you can find a miracle in each day. Today, witnessing a momma elephant protect her baby was mine.
